Rankine to Fahrenheit Conversion

Rankine to Fahrenheit Conversion - Convert Rankine to Fahrenheit (°R to °F)

Rankine to Fahrenheit Conversion

Rankine to Fahrenheit - Temperature - Conversion

You are currently converting Temperature units from Rankine to Fahrenheit

1 Rankine (°R)


-458.67 Fahrenheit (°F)

Visit Fahrenheit to Rankine Conversion

Rankine : The Rankine (symbol: °R) is a temperature unit. It can be understood as the Fahrenheit temperature with absolute zero as the starting point for calculation, which the unit of measurement equals a Fahrenheit degree and on which the freezing point of water is 491.67° and the boiling point 671.67°

Fahrenheit : Fahrenheit (symbol: °F) is a unit of measurement for temperature. In most countries during the mid to late 20th century, the Fahrenheit scale was replaced by the Celsius scale. However, it remains the official scale of the United States, Cayman Islands and Belize.

Temperature Conversion Calculator

1 Rankine = -458.67 Fahrenheit

FAQ about Rankine to Fahrenheit Conversion

0 degrees Rankine is equal to -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit:

0 °R = -459.67 °F

The temperature T in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) is equal to the temperature T in Rankine (°R) minus 459.67:

T(°F) = T(°R) - 459.67

459.67 Rankine is equal to 0 Fahrenheit:

459.67°R = 459.67°R - 459.67 = 0°F

10 Fahrenheit is equal to 469.67 Rankine:

10°F = 10°F + 459.67 = 469.67°R

T(°F) = 491.67(°R) - 459.67 = 32°F

Temperature Conversion Formula

FahrenheitCelsius°C = (°F - 32) / 1.8
FahrenheitKelvinK = (°F + 459.67) / 1.8
FahrenheitRankine°Ra = °F + 459.67
FahrenheitRéaumur °R= (°F - 32) / 2.25
CelsiusFahrenheit°F = ℃ × 1.8 + 32
CelsiusKelvinK = ℃ + 273.15
CelsiusRankine°Ra = ℃ × 1.8 + 32 + 459.67
CelsiusRéaumur°R =℃ × 0.8
KelvinCelsius℃ = K - 273.15
KelvinFahrenheit°F = K × 1.8 - 459.67
KelvinRankine°Ra = K × 1.8
KelvinRéaumur°R= (K - 273.15) × 0.8
RankineCelsius℃ = (°Ra - 32 - 459.67) / 1.8
RankineFahrenheit°F = °Ra - 459.67
RankineKelvinK = °Ra / 1.8
RankineRéaumur°R = (°Ra - 459.67 - 32) / 2.25
RéaumurCelsius℃ = °R × 1.25
RéaumurFahrenheit°F = °R × 2.25 + 32
RéaumurKelvinK = °R × 1.25 + 273.15
RéaumurRankine°Ra = °R × 2.25 + 32 + 459.67

Common temperature

Celsius (℃)Kelvin (K)Fahrenheit (°F)Rankine (°Ra)Réaumur (°R)Description
-273.150-459.670-218.52Absolute Zero
0273.1532491.670Freezing point
37310.1598.6558.6729.6Average body
100373.15212671.6780Boiling point

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  1. Till Jun 09, 2016 at 10:34 am
    What is the significance of the Rankine temperature scale?
  2. Gulshan Jun 11, 2016 at 12:56 pm
    Hi Till,

    The Rankine temperature scale is an absolute temperature scale based on the Fahrenheit scale. On the Rankine scale, zero degrees Rankine (0 °R) is absolute zero, and one degree Rankine equals one degree Fahrenheit. The Rankine scale is used mainly in engineering applications, particularly in the United States.

    One of the significant advantages of the Rankine scale is that it simplifies many calculations in engineering and thermodynamics, as it is based on the familiar Fahrenheit scale. The United States often uses the Fahrenheit scale for standard temperature measurements, such as weather forecasts and room temperatures. Using Rankine allows for easy conversion between these measurements and absolute temperature measurements.

    The Rankine scale is handy in applications such as gas turbine engineering, where high temperatures are involved. It provides a convenient and accurate way to measure and calculate temperature changes in these environments.

    Another significance of the Rankine scale is that it is an absolute temperature scale, like the Kelvin scale, and is valuable for many thermodynamic calculations requiring total temperature measurements. The Rankine scale is also sometimes used with the Kelvin scale to provide a broader range of temperature measurements and conversions.