Unit Conversion Calculator
Welcome to use Unit Conversion Calculator for free. There are several categories and hundreds of units for choosing. You just need to choose the desired unit and what unit you want to convert, and simply enter a number value, it will calculate automaticly. If it is useful for you, please don't forget to bookmark this site.
Unit Conversion Calculator
Choose Category:Note:Though pound(mass) and pound(force) have the same values, many people customarily use one or the other and like to see them listed separately, thus, we list both units.
Abbreviations used in our calculator: bbl=barrel, BTU=British thermal unit, cm=centimeter, ft=foot, km=kilometer, kW=kiloWatt, lb=pound, lb(f)=pound(force), lb(m)=pound(mass), m=meter, Mcf=million cubic feet, mg=milligram, MGD=million gallons per day, mm=millimeter, MPa=Mega Pascal, min=minute, N=newton, s=sec=second, UK=United Kingdom (used for gallons), US=United States (used for gallons and some other units), yr=year