Centimeters to Inches Conversion
You are currently converting Distance and Length units from Centimeters to Inches
1 Centimeters (cm)
0.3937 Inches (in)
Visit Inches to Centimeters ConversionCentimeters : The centimeter (symbol cm) is a unit of length in the metric system. It is also the base unit in the centimeter-gram-second system of units. The centimeter practical unit of length for many everyday measurements. A centimeter is equal to 0.01(or 1E-2) meter.
Inches : An inch (symbol: in) is a unit of length. It is defined as 1⁄12 of a foot, also is 1⁄36 of a yard. Though traditional standards for the exact length of an inch have varied, it is equal to exactly 25.4 mm. The inch is a popularly used customary unit of length in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Distance and Length Conversion Calculator
FAQ about Centimeters to Inches Conversion
1 centimeter is equal to 0.3937007874 inches:
1cm = (1/2.54)inch = 0.3937007874in
The distance d in inches (in) is equal to the distance d in centimeters (cm) divided by 2.54, that conversion formula:
d(in) = d(cm) / 2.54
One Centimeter is equal to 0.3937 Inches:
1cm = 1cm / 2.54 = 0.3937in
2 Inches is equal to 5.08 Centimeters:
2in = 2in × 2.54 = 5.08cm
d(in) = 30(cm) / 2.54 = 11.81102in
Convert from feet and inches to meter
Length conversion table
millimeter (mm) | centimeter (cm) | meter (m) | kilometer (km) | inch (in) | foot / feet (ft) | yard (yd) | mile (mi) | |
1 millimeter (mm) | 1 | 0.1 | 0.001 | 0.000001 | 0.03937 | 0.003281 | 0.0010936 | 0.0000006214 |
1 centimeter (cm) | 10 | 1 | 0.01 | 0.00001 | 0.3937 | 0.03281 | 0.010936 | 0.000006214 |
1 meter (m) | 1000 | 100 | 1 | 0.001 | 39.37 | 3.281 | 1.0936 | 0.0006214 |
1 kilometer (km) | 1000000 | 100000 | 1000 | 1 | 39370 | 3281 | 1093.6 | 0.6214 |
1 inch (in) | 25.4 | 2.54 | 0.0254 | 0.0000254 | 1 | 0.08333 | 0.02778 | 0.000015783 |
1 foot / feet (ft) | 304.8 | 30.48 | 0.3048 | 0.0003048 | 12 | 1 | 0.33333 | 0.0001894 |
1 yard (yd) | 914.4 | 91.44 | 0.9144 | 0.0009144 | 36 | 3 | 1 | 0.0005682 |
1 mile (mi) | 1609344 | 160934 | 1609.3 | 1.6093 | 63360 | 5280 | 1760 | 1 |
1 nautical mile (nmi) | 1852000 | 185200 | 1852 | 1.852 | 72913 | 6076 | 2025.4 | 1.1508 |
We decided to round some conversion factors to fit this table. Therefore, some of these values are not accurate, but they still have reasonable accuracy.
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- Foot to Kilometer
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- Foot to Mile (US)
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- Inch to Mile (US)
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- Inch to Nautical Mile
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- Kilometer to Meter
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- Meter to Inch
- Meter to Kilometer
- Meter to Mile (US)
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- Meter to Yard
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- Mile (US) to Meter
- Mile (US) to Millimeter
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- Millimeter to Mile (US)
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A 2.5 meter long curtain rod is 98.4252 inches long (2.5 * 39.37007874). When shopping for a curtain rod, look for one that closely matches this length.
A distance of 3 meters between your sofa and TV is approximately 118.11024 inches (3 * 39.37007874). Measure this distance in your living room to ensure you have enough space for a comfortable viewing experience while maintaining a balanced room layout.