Chinese Yuan to Hong Kong Dollar Conversion

7000 Chinese Yuan to Hong Kong Dollar Conversion - Convert 7000 Chinese Yuan to Hong Kong Dollar (CNY to HKD)

7000 Chinese Yuan to Hong Kong Dollar Conversion

7000 Chinese Yuan to Hong Kong Dollar - Chinese Yuan to Hong Kong Dollar - Currency - Conversion

You are currently converting Currency units from Chinese Yuan to Hong Kong Dollar

7000 Chinese Yuan (CNY)


7698.0948 Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)

Visit 7000 Hong Kong Dollar to Chinese Yuan Conversion

Chinese Yuan : The Chinese Yuan (sign: ¥; code: CNY) is the base unit of a number of modern Chinese currencies. The Yuan is the primary unit of account of the Renminbi. In many parts of China, renminbi are counted in "kuai" rather than "Yuan".

Hong Kong Dollar : The Hong Kong dollar (sign: HK$; code: HKD) is the currency of Hong Kong. It is the eighth most traded currency in the world. on 1 July 1997,sovereignty of Hong Kong was transferred to the People's Republic of China.

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7000 Chinese Yuan = 7698.0948 Hong Kong Dollar

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