Pound Sterling to Hong Kong Dollar Conversion
You are currently converting Currency units from Pound Sterling to Hong Kong Dollar
1 Pound Sterling (GBP)
9.72824 Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)
Visit Hong Kong Dollar to Pound Sterling ConversionPound Sterling : The British pound sterling (sign: £; code: GBP) which commonly called the pound is the official currency of the United Kingdom. Pound is the fourth most traded currency in the foreign exchange market and is also the third most held reserve currency in global reserves.
Hong Kong Dollar : The Hong Kong dollar (sign: HK$; code: HKD) is the currency of Hong Kong. It is the eighth most traded currency in the world. on 1 July 1997,sovereignty of Hong Kong was transferred to the People's Republic of China.
Currency Conversion Calculator
1 Pound Sterling = 9.72824 Hong Kong Dollar
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