Terabyte to Exabyte Conversion

Terabyte to Exabyte Conversion - Convert Terabyte to Exabyte (TB to EB)

Terabyte to Exabyte Conversion

Terabyte to Exabyte - Data Storage - Conversion

You are currently converting Data Storage units from Terabyte to Exabyte

1 Terabyte (TB)


0 Exabyte (EB)

Visit Exabyte to Terabyte Conversion

Terabyte : The terabyte is a unit for digital information which is a multiple of the unit byte. Its unit symbol is TB or TByte. 1 terabyte is equal to 1024 x 1024 x 1024 x 1024 bytes, or 1024 gigabytes, distinguishing from the unit of tebibytes which equals to 1024 gibibytes.

Exabyte : The exabyte is a unit of information or computer data storage which equals one quintillion bytes. The unit symbol of exabyte is EB. 1 EB is equal to 1024 petabytes, distinguishing from the unit of exabit (symbol: Eb).

Data Storage Conversion Calculator

1 Terabyte = 0 Exabyte

FAQ about Terabyte to Exabyte Conversion

1 terabyte (TB) is equal to 1/1048576 exabyte (EB).

1TB = 1/1048576EB

The data storage d in exabyte (EB) is equal to the data storage d in terabyte (TB) times 1048576, that conversion formula:

d(EB) = d(TB) / 1048576

1024 Terabyte is equal to 0.00098 Exabyte:

1024TB = 1024TB / 1048576 = 0.00098EB

One Exabyte is equal to 1048576 Terabyte:

1EB = 1EB × 1048576 = 1048576TB

d(EB) = 5120(TB) / 1048576 = 0.00488EB

Data Storage Units Chart

Bitb1 or 0 (on or off)
ByteB8 bits
KilobyteKB1024 bytes
MegabyteMB1024 kilobytes
GigabyteGB1024 megabytes
TerabyteTB1024 gigabytes
PetabytePB1024 terabytes
ExabyteEB1024 petabytes
ZettabyteZB1024 exabytes
YottabyteYB1024 zettabytes

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