Pound/Square Inch to Pascal Conversion
You are currently converting Pressure units from Pound/Square Inch to Pascal
1 Pound/Square Inch (lb/in²)
6894.75729 Pascal (Pa)
Visit Pascal to Pound/Square Inch ConversionPound/Square Inch : Pounds or pound force per square inch (symbol: psi, lb/in², pfsi or lbf/in²) is a unit of measure for pressure based on avoirdupois units. It is widely used in British and American. 1 psi = 6,894.76 Pascals.
Pascal : The pascal (symbol: Pa) is the SI unit of pressure which derived from other SI units. It is defined as one newton per square meter. The commonly used multiple units of the pascal are the hectopascal (1 hPa ≡ 100 Pa), kilopascal (1 kPa ≡ 1000 Pa), and megapascal (1 MPa ≡ 1,000,000 Pa).
Pressure Conversion Calculator
1 Pound/Square Inch = 6894.75729 Pascal
FAQ about Pound/Square Inch to Pascal Conversion
1 pound/square inch (lb/in²) is equal to 6894.75729 pascal (Pa).
1lb/in² = 6894.75729Pa
The pressure p in pascal (Pa) is equal to the pressure p in pound/square inch (lb/in²) times 6894.75729, that conversion formula:
p(Pa) = p(lb/in²) × 6894.75729
One Pound/Square Inch is equal to 6894.75729 Pascal:
1lb/in² = 1lb/in² × 6894.75729 = 6894.75729Pa
One Pascal is equal to 0.00015 Pound/Square Inch:
1Pa = 1Pa × 0.00015 = 0.00015lb/in²
p(Pa) = 5(lb/in²) × 6894.75729 = 34473.78645Pa
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- Atmospheres to Megapascal
- Atmospheres to mmHg
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- Atmospheres to lb/in²
- Atmospheres to Psi
- Atmospheres to Torr
- Bar to Atmospheres
- Bar to cmHg
- Bar to cmAq
- Bar to Foot Water
- Bar to Inch Mercury
- Bar to Inch Water
- Bar to kg/cm²
- Bar to kN/m²
- Bar to Kilopascal
- Bar to Megapascal
- Bar to mmHg
- Bar to Pascal
- Bar to lb/in²
- Bar to Psi
- Bar to Torr
- cmHg to Atmospheres
- cmHg to Bar
- cmHg to cmAq
- cmHg to Foot Water
- cmHg to Inch Mercury
- cmHg to Inch Water
- cmHg to kg/cm²
- cmHg to kN/m²
- cmHg to Kilopascal
- cmHg to Megapascal
- cmHg to mmHg
- cmHg to Pascal
- cmHg to lb/in²
- cmHg to Psi
- cmHg to Torr
- cmAq to Atmospheres
- cmAq to Bar
- cmAq to cmHg
- cmAq to Foot Water
- cmAq to Inch Mercury
- cmAq to Inch Water
- cmAq to kg/cm²
- cmAq to kN/m²
- cmAq to Kilopascal
- cmAq to Megapascal
- cmAq to mmHg
- cmAq to Pascal
- cmAq to lb/in²
- cmAq to Psi
- cmAq to Torr
- Foot Water to Atmospheres
- Foot Water to Bar
- Foot Water to cmHg
- Foot Water to cmAq
- Foot Water to Inch Mercury
- Foot Water to Inch Water
- Foot Water to kg/cm²
- Foot Water to kN/m²
- Foot Water to Kilopascal
- Foot Water to Megapascal
- Foot Water to mmHg
- Foot Water to Pascal
- Foot Water to lb/in²
- Foot Water to Psi
- Foot Water to Torr
- Inch Mercury to Atmospheres
- Inch Mercury to Bar
- Inch Mercury to cmHg
- Inch Mercury to cmAq
- Inch Mercury to Foot Water
- Inch Mercury to Inch Water
- Inch Mercury to kg/cm²
- Inch Mercury to kN/m²
- Inch Mercury to Kilopascal
- Inch Mercury to Megapascal
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- Inch Mercury to Pascal
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- Inch Mercury to Psi
- Inch Mercury to Torr
- Inch Water to Atmospheres
- Inch Water to Bar
- Inch Water to cmHg
- Inch Water to cmAq
- Inch Water to Foot Water
- Inch Water to Inch Mercury
- Inch Water to kg/cm²
- Inch Water to kN/m²
- Inch Water to Kilopascal
- Inch Water to Megapascal
- Inch Water to mmHg
- Inch Water to Pascal
- Inch Water to lb/in²
- Inch Water to Psi
- Inch Water to Torr
- kg/cm² to Atmospheres
- kg/cm² to Bar
- kg/cm² to cmHg
- kg/cm² to cmAq
- kg/cm² to Foot Water
- kg/cm² to Inch Mercury
- kg/cm² to Inch Water
- kg/cm² to kN/m²
- kg/cm² to Kilopascal
- kg/cm² to Megapascal
- kg/cm² to mmHg
- kg/cm² to Pascal
- kg/cm² to lb/in²
- kg/cm² to Psi
- kg/cm² to Torr
- kN/m² to Atmospheres
- kN/m² to Bar
- kN/m² to cmHg
- kN/m² to cmAq
- kN/m² to Foot Water
- kN/m² to Inch Mercury
- kN/m² to Inch Water
- kN/m² to kg/cm²
- kN/m² to Kilopascal
- kN/m² to Megapascal
- kN/m² to mmHg
- kN/m² to Pascal
- kN/m² to lb/in²
- kN/m² to Psi
- kN/m² to Torr
- Kilopascal to Atmospheres
- Kilopascal to Bar
- Kilopascal to cmHg
- Kilopascal to cmAq
- Kilopascal to Foot Water
- Kilopascal to Inch Mercury
- Kilopascal to Inch Water
- Kilopascal to kg/cm²
- Kilopascal to kN/m²
- Kilopascal to Megapascal
- Kilopascal to mmHg
- Kilopascal to Pascal
- Kilopascal to lb/in²
- Kilopascal to Psi
- Kilopascal to Torr
- Megapascal to Atmospheres
- Megapascal to Bar
- Megapascal to cmHg
- Megapascal to cmAq
- Megapascal to Foot Water
- Megapascal to Inch Mercury
- Megapascal to Inch Water
- Megapascal to kg/cm²
- Megapascal to kN/m²
- Megapascal to Kilopascal
- Megapascal to mmHg
- Megapascal to Pascal
- Megapascal to lb/in²
- Megapascal to Psi
- Megapascal to Torr
- mmHg to Atmospheres
- mmHg to Bar
- mmHg to cmHg
- mmHg to cmAq
- mmHg to Foot Water
- mmHg to Inch Mercury
- mmHg to Inch Water
- mmHg to kg/cm²
- mmHg to kN/m²
- mmHg to Kilopascal
- mmHg to Megapascal
- mmHg to Pascal
- mmHg to lb/in²
- mmHg to Psi
- mmHg to Torr
- Pascal to Atmospheres
- Pascal to Bar
- Pascal to cmHg
- Pascal to cmAq
- Pascal to Foot Water
- Pascal to Inch Mercury
- Pascal to Inch Water
- Pascal to kg/cm²
- Pascal to kN/m²
- Pascal to Kilopascal
- Pascal to Megapascal
- Pascal to mmHg
- Pascal to lb/in²
- Pascal to Psi
- Pascal to Torr
- lb/in² to Atmospheres
- lb/in² to Bar
- lb/in² to cmHg
- lb/in² to cmAq
- lb/in² to Foot Water
- lb/in² to Inch Mercury
- lb/in² to Inch Water
- lb/in² to kg/cm²
- lb/in² to kN/m²
- lb/in² to Kilopascal
- lb/in² to Megapascal
- lb/in² to mmHg
- lb/in² to Pascal
- lb/in² to Psi
- lb/in² to Torr
- Psi to Atmospheres
- Psi to Bar
- Psi to cmHg
- Psi to cmAq
- Psi to Foot Water
- Psi to Inch Mercury
- Psi to Inch Water
- Psi to kg/cm²
- Psi to kN/m²
- Psi to Kilopascal
- Psi to Megapascal
- Psi to mmHg
- Psi to Pascal
- Psi to lb/in²
- Psi to Torr
- Torr to Atmospheres
- Torr to Bar
- Torr to cmHg
- Torr to cmAq
- Torr to Foot Water
- Torr to Inch Mercury
- Torr to Inch Water
- Torr to kg/cm²
- Torr to kN/m²
- Torr to Kilopascal
- Torr to Megapascal
- Torr to mmHg
- Torr to Pascal
- Torr to lb/in²
- Torr to Psi