Kilometer/Second to Foot/Minute Conversion

Kilometer/Second to Foot/Minute Conversion - Convert Kilometer/Second to Foot/Minute (km/s to ft/min)

Kilometer/Second to Foot/Minute Conversion

Kilometer/Second to Foot/Minute - Velocity and Speed - Conversion

You are currently converting Velocity and Speed units from Kilometer/Second to Foot/Minute

1 Kilometer/Second (km/s)


196850.3937 Foot/Minute (ft/min)

Visit Foot/Minute to Kilometer/Second Conversion

Kilometer/Second : Kilometres per second (also spelling: kilometer per second) is a unit of speed, defined as the number of kilometres travelled in one second. The symbol of kilometre per hour is km/s or km•s−1. 1 km/s = 1000 m/s.

Foot/Minute : Feet per minute (ft/min) is a unit for both speed and velocity. It is defined as the distance in feet traveled or displaced, divided by the time in minutes. 1 ft/min = 0.00508 m/s.

Velocity and Speed Conversion Calculator

1 Kilometer/Second = 196850.3937 Foot/Minute

FAQ about Kilometer/Second to Foot/Minute Conversion

1 kilometer/second (km/s) is equal to 196850.3937 foot/minute (ft/min).

1km/s = 196850.3937ft/min

The speed v in foot/minute (ft/min) is equal to the speed v in kilometer/second (km/s) times 196850.3937, that conversion formula:

v(ft/min) = v(km/s) × 196850.3937

One Kilometer/Second is equal to 196850.3937 Foot/Minute:

1km/s = 1km/s × 196850.3937 = 196850.3937ft/min

1000 Foot/Minute is equal to 0.00508 Kilometer/Second:

1000ft/min = 1000ft/min × 0.00000508 = 0.00508km/s

v(ft/min) = 5(km/s) × 196850.3937 = 984251.9685ft/min

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